Crest of Munyuck

Crest of Munyuck

Friday, September 24, 2010

Come on officer, you never tried to stab someone for correcting your grammar?

Look I'm just being honest, which excuses me from empathy or tact right?
In any case you made the choice to read this blog at your own discretion.
It's highly likely at some point I may offend you through out my musings but I do put a lot of effort into not offending people on a daily basis, considering how bored I am.

I must at this point draw your attention to this slice of brilliance;

By Deviant Artist Alexsandercupcake, I want it immediately tattooed on my back, pending that I over come my irrational fear of needles and generally 'owies'.

I also find myself smitten quite recently with the penmanship of Gail Carriger

Who is responsible for a new Sci-fi Fantasy series 'Soulless- Parasol Protectorate'.
Which is so very amusing and quite refreshing twist of literature, it is based in the 1800's and has a very distinct 'steam-punky' feel about it.
Involving all manners of supernatural beings (minus the enteral suffering and sparkling business some other woeful but un-explainably popular sci-fi books boast).
I strongly recommend it to anyone who appreciates fantasy/science fiction works.

I guess that's enough bidness for one afternoon.

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