Crest of Munyuck

Crest of Munyuck

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I hire a prostitute to play hide and seek with me, she thinks its weird repressed sexual stuff, I just miss having friends who are female.

Next week we're gonna play hop scotch if she hasn't told her pimp about me yet...

I'm so very impressed and inspired and if not a little sad and jealous that somebody had the time and patients to put that bad boy together.
I mean did they scout around for a bumble bee or just hunt one down and kill it for the purpose of the stop motion epic?(and are PETA already aware of the injustice of it all??)

The whole 1:37 minutes was shot using 'CellScope' technology (whatever the heck that is) with a Nokia N8 with its 12 megapixel camera on 12 mm teeny tiny.
The short was produced by Aardman, which is responsible for other stop motions such as 'Wallace and Gromit'

Please do check it out by clicking the link, I am sorry I wasn't able to directly embed the video into this blog but it takes too much energy to try and wrestle the encoding into a blog safe format (you know what I mean)

Also speaking of awesome links I should direct your attention to this; 

And yes it is exactly as the domain name suggests, it contains many awesome things.
It's one of those sites you add to your favorites and check every few weeks in the unlikely event of having nothing else better to do.
It's another branch of the ye olde 'Cheez Buger' franchise that invented the uprising of cats on the Internet.
But don't knock it until you've tried it.

Hobble what?

Monday, September 27, 2010

The sea creature knows we're hunting her, but she also knows we're the first in years.

And we're armed with peanut butter sandwichs and solo.

In case you are not aware, I have a Deviant Art account;
Which I seldom up-date (I try to occasionally) in any case deviant art is a wicked little website, its nice to see all forms of art in one web address.

The above image is by me, one of the two pictures I submitted to the ACMI Tim Burton Wonderland competition, which has now officially closed and alas my drawings didn't make the cut.
The competition was open to all ages across the world and Tim has picked his top 10 from the hundreds which you can view here;

Theres some pretty impressive stuff up there and yet I still feel miffed that I got snubbed.
Back to trying to crave me out some semblance of an artistic identity.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

If at first you don't succeed. Run.

I only need to be faster than you, and lets face it whose got the more 'innocent court face'.

If you take a twisted pleasure in vouyring into other peoples business then you're probably already well aware of this little slice of guilt free enjoyment;

With new installments every Sunday it grantees for a good read into other peoples deep dark dirty weird secrets...without ever having to put a face to the confession.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I woke up in the woods covered in blood. Which means I'm either crazy or a werewolf, but I'm not a nobody.

You're telling me the sound of other people's blood coursing through their veins doesn't make you feel just a bit crazy?

I am most excited for newest Disney installment 'Tangled'- which essentially is just the story of Rapunzel (and another Disney princess to scratch up for the merchandise shelf), However the empathise of the story is placed on the hero, Flynn Ryder.
I guess this is Disneys' tactic of switching from the damsel in distress angle to arrogant hero's story is an attempt to keep up with the times and maybe try and recreate some of the popularity 'Aladin' reached.

'Tangled' is (unfortunately)going to be released in 3-D thanks to the miracle of computer graphics, which means its cranked out faster (and with less soul).
The initial art work however is created by my favorite Disney artist, Glen Keane, who is responsible for other films like 'The little mermaid' and 'Aladin', so its not all bad.

All of these steps seem to have been taken to ensure that it isn't the same disaster that was the last Disney installment 'Princess and the frog'.
Which I think is due to the fact that the majority of the film was following frogs and not every girl dreams of growing up to be a frog or can relate to the slimy amphibians.

In any case 'Tangled' looks to be quite witty and might I dare to hope that its the kind of film that will poke fun at the traditional Disney recipe for princess films.
Click the link to watch the trailor if you haven't already.

Also check this guy out;
(Not entierly PG btw)

Come on officer, you never tried to stab someone for correcting your grammar?

Look I'm just being honest, which excuses me from empathy or tact right?
In any case you made the choice to read this blog at your own discretion.
It's highly likely at some point I may offend you through out my musings but I do put a lot of effort into not offending people on a daily basis, considering how bored I am.

I must at this point draw your attention to this slice of brilliance;

By Deviant Artist Alexsandercupcake, I want it immediately tattooed on my back, pending that I over come my irrational fear of needles and generally 'owies'.

I also find myself smitten quite recently with the penmanship of Gail Carriger

Who is responsible for a new Sci-fi Fantasy series 'Soulless- Parasol Protectorate'.
Which is so very amusing and quite refreshing twist of literature, it is based in the 1800's and has a very distinct 'steam-punky' feel about it.
Involving all manners of supernatural beings (minus the enteral suffering and sparkling business some other woeful but un-explainably popular sci-fi books boast).
I strongly recommend it to anyone who appreciates fantasy/science fiction works.

I guess that's enough bidness for one afternoon.